I'm not going to lie. The last couple weeks have been hard for me. I've been so busy, I've hardly slept, I've been fighting off a cold that comes and goes every other day, my room's a mess, I have way more work than I do time, and more than any of that, I need to get my hair done. I know, #princessproblems.
Why am I writing all this?
Well, I haven't blogged in a while. Two-weeks to be exact. Blogging is a weekly assignment that I have never missed up until this point. I never miss assignments or hand them in late (knock on wood). I always get sh*t done when I'm supposed to.
So the fact that I've been really busy is not an excuse for neglecting my blogging, it's not. The absolute truth is, I just have nothing to say.
I don't have much to say about anything lately. Even when my friends come to me for advice, I have nothing to say to them. I have no advice. That's a
huge change for me. I usually have an opinion about everything (just ask my mother) and can talk for hours about nothing.
So I'm writing this boring post about nothing hoping that it will get me out of my writing rut.
I leave you with these pictures from my Play for Paws event.
Rusty not wanting to give anymore kisses |
"Ok, just one more for my auntie Lisa."