Friday, 26 October 2012

Happy Halloween!

Another very busy week... Four assignments due on one day! As the Kardashian's would say, it was "cray cray." So needless to say, I did not have time to make any personalized Pinterest creations, again. Instead I decided to write about Halloween...

It's five days away, so close!

I was browsing Pinterest the other day and I saw a bunch of really cute pictures... I'll show you.



Adorable, right?

So after I saw these I went out and was on the hunt for an adorable Halloween costume for my Rusty-roo. This is what I found...

He's a pumpkin! I was pretty proud and amazed. I found the costume at Walmart (of all places)! And even better than that he didn't mind wearing it. Last year he was a pirate... he did not like me for a couple days after that, but he was so darn cute. 

See just a little hat, but it made so much difference (don't mind my face...).

Anyway, Halloween is just so much fun. I'm not one to dress up myself, but I love the little kid's costumes and puppy costumes (but not the mean ones). 

The unfortunate part about Halloween is that some older individuals dress up like they're 20 again. It never used to bother me, but now when I see a 30-something dressed up the way my girlfriends dress it makes me mad. It's inappropriate and you chasing your youth or trying to hold on to whatever youth you have left is pathetic (you know who you are...). Word to wise, act your age. Like now would be nice.

Not trying to be mean (even though it is coming off that way), but it's the truth.

Happy Halloween and as ever, happy Pinning. 

Friday, 19 October 2012

Pets, pets, pets, pets!

Hi all!

I'm feeling inspired this week so I decided to take a break recreating Pinterest stuff and will instead talk about pets (I'm also a little busy this week and have not had the time to recreate anything so, you know... it all works out)!

Yesterday us CreCommers had a lovely treat in our seminar. Two awesome ladies (and CreComm grads) from the Winnipeg Humane Society came to talk to us about their jobs as Communications Coordinator and Community Outreach Coordinator. It was fascinating - dream job realized! I can't imagine a better way to spend a career. Think about it, you've dedicated yourself to animals for your whole career. Wow!

Anyway, they were amazing and I'm so impressed with the jobs that they both have. I really hope that when I'm ready to find a job, in whatever field I choose, that I can find something that will make as much difference as what they do... nonprofit has got to be the best way to go.

That's what I love about this program. Every day there's something new and exciting that changes your mind about everything!

Relating this all back to Pinterest... here's some pictures of some cute animals that I found on Pinterest. Everyone should think of adopting a dog, cat, ferret, whatever your taste is, today!

Photo Cred Terra Lavin's Pinterest

Photo cred Kellie Johnson's Pinterest
Photo cred Michelle Boland's Pinterest

Photo Cred Leslie Wood's Pinterest

Happy Pinning!

Monday, 8 October 2012

Shirt Scarfing

Happy Thanksgiving all!

I hope everyone's full and sleepy from their delicious turkey dinners and are enjoying time with family and friends. My weekend was lovely, but somehow still too short. I had two Thanksgiving dinners this weekend, so my family and I are watching a movie, waiting for the lasagna to finish baking. I thought I'd write my latest Pinterest find/creation in the mean-time.

This week, the shirt-scarf.

Take a look...
Photo cred. Janet Gompf's Pinterest
Yes, it's a t-shirt made into a scarf. The things these Pinterest geniuses think of!

Well, I saw this (and pinned it) a few weeks ago, but it took me a while to get to it, it always does! 

My boyfriend just happened to have a bunch of old t-shirts that he was about to throw out (holy armpits, batman!) so I took them instead. I picked out the pretty colours - blues, greens, and greys - and started ripping them apart into as many thin strands as a could. It was an excellent stress reliever, if you're looking for that sort of thing instead of a craft. 

Anyway, I braided about 3/4s of the strand lengths and fastened a tie around the end. Then I sewed the loose ends together and fastened a ties around the sewed part to cover the not-so-attractive part. It turned out alright. Take a look...

Don't mind me and my clashing fashion choice. 

I was pretty happy with the way the scarf turned out, but I couldn't help but wonder where the Pinterest scarf model got her t-shirt from. My scarf, or necklace, is so short compared to hers. Maybe I need a fatter boyfriend? Maybe it's false advertising and she used a dress instead of a shirt? I don't know what they used, but mine sure turned out differently than I thought it would!

I would definitely recommend trying this one out. It was a lot of fun and looks so pretty, but I may be biased. I do own over 50 scarves. Yep, I sure do love those things!

Anyway, dinner's ready and smells delicious!

Happy pinning! 

Tuesday, 2 October 2012

Have a cuppa...

Happy October!

This is the best month of the year. Leaves are (still) falling, the weather's getting cooler, the boots are coming out, and suddenly it's appropriate to just lay around drinking tea (this is always appropriate in my books, but some people don't think so... humph!).

So, this week I decided that since I'm going to be drinking a lot of tea in the near future, I need a good, solid cup to drink it with. Enter, what? Pinterest, of course.

I saw a set of really cute cups a few months ago and pinned them to my "Love DIY stuff" board on Pinterest... take a look...
Photo cred: Gillian St John's Pinterest
Cute, right?

Well, I loved them! So I was thinking of ways to personalize them because I'd feel awkward making myself a cup that says "beautiful" and decided to use nicknames. 

OK, now don't laugh. My boyfriend and I have really silly nicknames for each other. I call him Bubbi - from singing baaaaby, baaaaby, baaaby oh! (a la Justin Bieber) to him, but it didn't suit, so Bubbi it is - and he calls me Schmoopsie - again, my fault. I changed my name in his phone to be funny. Unfortunately, he thought it was cute and it's stuck ever since.

So anyway, I decided to use our nicknames, keep the "good morning" idea, and give it a little more of a personalized kick and do our M & M thing (Megan and Mike - M&Ms - so cute) on the back.


Yes, I dotted the 'i's with hearts and I'm not at all embarrassed about it.

They turned out pretty cute, right? I had no idea it would be so hard to write on a cup with a permanent marker... it was so hard. I had to write and rewrite 5 times before they stuck. Brutal!

If you want to make some cups yourself, here's the how-to:

You will need:
- A cup (or two)
- A permanent marker
- A stove

Wash the cup(s) well and dry. Set the oven to 400 degrees celsius. Write whatever message you would like on the cups. Place cups on a cookie sheet in the oven and let cook for 20 minutes. Turn the stove off, leave the cups overnight. 
The heat should help the permanent marker soak into the cups for good. That's it!

So easy, so fun. Make some tea - Pumpkin Spice from Tim Hortons in my current favourite - and you're set!

Happy pinning!