Monday, 10 March 2014


Oh Monday, the cruelest day of the week.
I never used to mind Mondays; I've always loved school and haven't really ever minded going to work, but lately Mondays are just hard and depressing. Even today, when I didn't officially have classes, was hard. My mind was in a daze, my thoughts were stuck on the weekend, and procrastination kicked into full blast and decided that today was not the day for homework and productiveness, no, today was the day to do nothing and be proud of it.

So I went to school for 8 am, dropped off an assignment that was due by 9 am, got coffee with my awesome friend Kailey, set up some homework on my laptop and talked to Kailey for three hours while giving my screen guilty looks, had a meeting with the Creative Arts assistant, ate lunch (leftover spaghetti), talked to Kailey for a little while longer, applied for two jobs, had a meeting with Melanie, went shopping at St. Vital mall, came home, cleaned up the kitchen with my mom, made my own dinner, set up my laptop to work on my IPP presentation, watched an hour of Homeland off of our PVR, closed my laptop, watched the new episode of Bates Motel, opened my laptop again, decided a shower was more important than doing any homework, got into bed, set up my laptop to work on my IPP presentation again, painted my nails, talked to my sister, and now I'm writing this. I know, that was the most interesting thing you've read all day, right?

Anyway, if any future employer is reading this they've probably decided that I'm a huge slacker, and if today was any indication of how I usually am then they would be right. But the thing is, I (maybe all CreComms) have been so busy for so long without so much as a second to do my own thing that not being all-consuming, Amazing Race-style busy as left me feeling more lost than anything. What do you do when you only have one semi-pressing assignment? What do you mean I can't jump between assignments all night long? You're joking, right?

Now if that isn't the nerdiest thing I've ever said (typed), then I truly don't know what is - and that says a lot considering a wear a ring that says "mischief managed" on it.

I know that come tomorrow I'll be working on my semi-completed presentation like a cat on catnip, so tonight I'm not even going to bother opening my presentation for the fifth time today. No, tonight, right now, I am just going to sit here and stare at my newly painted nails and browse Pinterest. Tonight, I'm going to embrace procrastination.


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