Tuesday, 26 March 2013

The UGLY tan

Hi all,

I'm changing up the pace today and I'm going to write a little bit of a rant post.

So everyone who knows me knows that I hate overly tanned (orange) people. Not in the normal "Eww they're gross," kind of way, but in an "I have an overwhelming desire to throw a bag a cheetos at you and show how it's not normal to match their orange-ness" kind of way. 

Maybe it's overkill, of course everyone's allowed to look the way they please - even if that means being hideous - but I just can't get over it. 

If you know me well you also know that this profound hatred of the 'orangies' stems from experience with one specific orange person. It's unfortunate that along with ruining her own skin (and appearance - which was awful to begin with, but that's beside the point), she ruined what could have been an appreciation for people who dare to be different and take on the strange responsibility of being the orange person in a group... nah. I'd still hate it.

Anyway, I'm just feeling a little mean today and felt like getting it out on 'paper'. I don't understand the compulsion to be over-tanned and I definitely don't understand the purpose behind being orange. I mean seriously, learn from your mistakes, it will never look nice. But at the same time, enjoy your premature wrinkles while this pale girl enjoys her unsun-spotted skin and her sunscreen buying obsession.

Here are some memes...

Melissa Davies' Pinterest

Rachel Elizabeth's Pinterest

Happy Easter friends

Friday, 22 March 2013

Disney! Disney! Disney!

Hi guys,

How's everybody's week so far? Good, I hope. It's spring-y out there, I feel all uplifted!

Well, it was bound to happen - I'm surprised that I haven't written about it sooner - this is the Disney blog.

I went to Disney World with my family over Reading Week, and it was amazing. Just amazing. I love Disney World - everyone who knows me knows that - and this trip was the best one yet. We've been there as a family three times so far and honestly I could back every year for the rest of my life and I think it would just keep getting better.

I think the reason it's so amazing, aside from the amazing rides, the great food, and the nicer-than-anything-staff, is the fact that I get to spend so much concentrated time with my family.

The first time we went to Disney we went for two weeks. Well we were in Disney for eights days, Universal for two, Sea World for one, and then capped the vacation off with a 4 days cruise. It was amazing, and we made so many fantastic memories.

The next time we just went for a week, but it was also amazing. We ate so much and walked so much and laughed so much, it was just all around fantastic.

This time we went for a week again and spent a day in Universal Studios. We had to see Harry Potter and OMG I'm so glad we did. I love Harry Potter land!

But anyway, I loved the time with my family. We all get along well, but we travel together amazingly. No fights, no nothing like that. It was great. And because everyone's so busy with their day-to-day while we're home it was nice to just relax and catch up on this vacation.

I really just wanted to write this so that I could show you some pictures... so here you go!

Have a great weekend!

Monday, 11 March 2013


Hello all!

Happy Monday.

I was writing a blog entry for a class I'm taking in university and realized same type of thing applies to this blog as well.
I had a thought today. It was a bit of a surprise because I wasn't paying attention, but then it hit me. I was standing in the elevator  and two ladies were talking beside me. They were looking at a poster for an upcoming soup lunch. They were asking each other what the sign said and what the details of the event were even though the poster supposedly explaining it all was right in front of them. This is where I tuned in.

I saw the poster last week, but never gave it any thought. It looked alright to me, but then again I wasn't interested in coming to a lunch this week. It's a nice colour of dark red with black font and a couple pictures on it. the font doesn't really stand out and that's what the ladies were upset about. They couldn't read it, and they weren't going to put in the effort to try.

This is the first time in my short CreComm life that I realized that fonts, colours, and advertising in genenral really does make a difference. I knew that advertising was important before, heck most of what I own is because of advertisements that I've seen, but this was the first time that I really stopped to think about it. My first thought was "oh those poor advertising people," but then I thought "no, they should've known better than to use that font and colour with that colour background." It's such a poster faux-pas!

Anyway, I thought that I would leave you with a couple examples of good posters I found online that I think (and know)  would work on me.
Ads of the World

Ads of the World

Have a nice day everyone!

Wednesday, 6 March 2013

It's my party...

Hi everybody,

I hope everybody's having a great day, but then again how could you not? It's the day after my birthday! Yep, 22 years ago yesterday I was born and boy have those year gone by fast. I was thinking about it yesterday and realized that time really has seemed to speed up in the last few years. School's busy, work's busy, life's busy.

Anyway today I'm feeling a little nostalgic and want to talk about some people that I'm missing today.

As I've gotten older I've started to realize what the important things are in life. Gone are the days that Christmas and birthdays are about presents, that Remembrance Day is a day off school, and Thanksgiving is a day too eat too much and go to bed early. I try - and most of the time am successful - to look at holidays and occasions for what they are and yesterday was no exception.

I woke up in the middle of the night last night after having a nightmare about my grandpa. He passed away almost two years ago, but every now and then I have a dream that he's back and I feel so happy and grateful to have him back, but by the end of the dream he always goes away again. Every time I have this nightmare I wake up sad, confused, and a little bit angry. Today was no exception, except today I started to remember all the years we had together and that lead me to think about my Baba and my other grandpa who have all passed.

I realize now that I'm older that having things is nothing compared to having people to share your things with. Of course, I've always known this, but as I've gotten older I've realized more and more just how true it is. I realized yesterday that what I really wanted for my birthday was to hear my Baba sing "happy birthday" and then joke about her awful singing voice just one more time (I always liked how she sang that song). What I really wanted was for my grandpa to ask me "how old are you now? 29?" and then we would laugh and talk about just how young I really am just one more time. I wanted to see my gramp sit at his spot at our kitchen table, drinking his coffee and eating his cake, and talk with him about everything and anything, because I always could just one more time.

I'm so lucky for the time that I had with each of them and I would never give up that time for anything in the world, but this year on my birthday I would've given up everything that I got just to have them do those little things one more time.

Have a nice week everyone