Sunday, 9 September 2012

Not for the Impatient...

I'm fighting off a cold and sinus infection this weekend, so I'm a little lazy and very sleepy. Being sick is never fun, but it does give you a lot of time to sit around and do nothing... and that's just what I did. I put on a movie, started going through Pinterest, and found an excellent idea for nail art.

Now I'm not much for painting my nails -- nudes, pinks and clears are my normal choices -- but at the urging of my nail fanatic sister I decided to take a risk and try this new fad called the "Scotch Tape" nail. They look like this...

Neat, right? So I picked my own colours and went to town getting everything ready and painted columns on my nails. Then, I go and get the tape and, go figure, we have none. So I had to do some tweaking and decided to use decorative duct tape instead (I don't recommend that switch). Anyway, here's the process...

Obviously, start with picking your colours (I chose purple, pink and orange - my favs!). Then paint columns -- you could paint rows if you'd rather as well. Try to keep them even in both width and thickness -- something I did not get the hang of unfortunately.

When you're done painting wait for your nails to dry. They must be completely dry or you'll pull up the paint with the tape. When everything's dry, put the tape -- cut in skinny lines or use thin roll scotch -- across the nail.

Paint over the nail and tape. Do as many layers as you need until the first layer of paint is completely covered. Let it dry completely. 


They didn't turn out quite as nicely as I hoped, but I'll take it. 

I would suggest making sure that your nails are completely dry before taping because it makes a huge difference in the end. I'd also suggest not being sick and getting the proper tape. You would definitely be able to do more things -- designs and such -- if you had the proper tape. And finally, I think this sort of nail art requires a very patient artiste (LOL). It took about an hour and a half to paint, dry, paint, and dry again, so having a lot of time and patience is a must!

All in all, it was fun though not a complete success. Good luck if you're replicating!


  1. Super cute! I'm starting to get a cold so maybe I'll try it when I'm stuck at home sick! :)

  2. Oh yay! And when I feel better I'll make your pizza :)

    1. :)

      I did the nails. It would have looked a lot cuter if I'd have managed to get the tape strips really thin but tape is so hard to cut!! Maybe score the tape on the role then peel it off? Hmmmm.

    2. They look awesome! I'm so happy that you tried it out Meg :)
