Tuesday, 29 October 2013

The Hallowe'en post

Well, it's that time of year again. The time where little girls dress up as princesses and witches; little boys dress as transformers and monsters; and aging women grab their most revealing garments and call it a Hallowe'en outfit to make themselves feel just a little bit more youthful. That's cool.

Also particular to this time of year is the weather. Oh glorious fall weather, I really do miss you through all the other seasons. There just isn't anything that quite compares to how fall feels. It's cold, sure and it's not all that pretty once all the leaves have fallen, but I just love fall.

Anyway, I'm not going to talk about fall, I'm talking about Hallowe'en.

I don't really do anything for Hallowe'en, but I love seeing all the kids in my neighbourhood dress up and go trick-o'-treating. It's just adorable. Until a tall, beard-man shows up at your door with a cape on and an open pillow case waiting for some free candy. Yeah, no. I don't give those people candies. If you're taller than me and have your own beard you can go get your own candy.

I stopped trick-o'-treating when I was 12, an acceptable age, I think, and I stopped going partying for Hallowe'en when I went to a bar and women my mom's age were dressed at "sexy" kitties and "sexy" rag-dolls and "sexy" She-rahs. Yeah no, that's just not cool. I wrote about this last year, but it's the same every year. Why do women do that?! Just why? It's not cool. It's not attractive. They just look sad.

But whatever - I'm in a sharing mood so I'm going to put up some Hallowe'en-themed pictures and continue on with my homework.

The last time I dressed up and did anything
for Hallowe'en - it's cute, right?!

Rusty and I handed out candy as a pirate and a masked-person

Where's Rusty?!

This year's outfits - prisoner, Hallowe'en festive "scarf"
and the candy corn hat my Gramma made 
Happy Hallowe'en folks - dress appropriately.

Tuesday, 22 October 2013


It looks like this blog is turning into a celebrity-themed blog... I promise you, it's not. The thing is, us 20-somethings are interested in what's happening in the world around us, and unfortunately information about celebrities and Hollywood is the most accessible and most frequently talked about.

So this week the topic de jour is also the first thing I heard about when I woke up this morning and the first thing I talked to anyone about in class and the first thing my sister texted me about when she was still half asleep - sheesh news travels fast! What is it? As if the title of this blog doesn't say it all.... Kim and Kanye are getting hitched!

I don't know why this is so surprising to me, they do have a baby together and live together and have been together for the last year and a bit... but still when I heard the news I was a little shocked. Maybe I didn't think she would get married again. Maybe I didn't think he ever would. I don't know what I thought, but I certainly didn't see this coming!

I hope that the third time is a charm for her, and that for the sake of her (their) baby they've thought everything through and will be happy together forever (real world forever, not Hollywood forever).

Here are some pictures just in case you've somehow forgotten what Kim looks like (is that even possible these days? No, it isn't).

Google images

Google images

Google images

Google images

Google images

Google images
Google images
 Such a cutie! 

Anyway, I've done my part of keeping the world informed. 

Congrats Kim and Kanye - and little North West. 


Friday, 18 October 2013

Miley Cyrus

20-something's topic of the day... Ms. Miley Cyrus.

I'm not saying I understand her, I'm just saying that I love her.

This post is long overdue, but I've finally come to a decision on how I feel about Miley Cyrus. I LOVE Miley Cyrus. I don't know exactly what's going through her big beautiful, but whatever it is, it's working.

My thoughts are this. The Miley Cyrus movement as she calls it, is an amazing way to keep the attention she's had for such a long time as she transitions into her adult image. She doesn't have an adult image right now, she has a young adult screaming for attention image, but that will soon fade and the world will start to see her as the brilliant adult superstar that she deserves to be.

Ok maybe I'm being a little overdramatic, I'm just so tired about all the Miley Cyrus drama. She's a young girl (sounds funny coming from me... someone who's only a couple years older than her) who's experimenting with all the things a young girl should experiment with. Hair styles, make up, clothes, boys, friends, blah blah blah. Why not?!

This morning I woke up and trimmed a section of my hair just cause it was bugging me.... Does that mean I'm going loopy? A couple days ago I gave Twerking my best shot... it's not something I'll ever do again, but does that make me crazy? I have SO many pictures with my tongue out. I LOVE TONGUE-OUT PICTURES! So sue me.

All I can say is Miley is a gem and though she's no longer the squeaky clean role model that mother's love for their pre-teen children, she's still an interesting (more so now than ever) and creative person who's not afraid to take risks and kick some serious musical butt.

Happy weekend!

Wednesday, 9 October 2013


Ok, I've done it again. I'm going to change my blog theme. It's hard to look for unfortunate downtown stories when you're trying to be a more positive and well-rounded person. I'm still not a fan of the downtown scene, but I'm trying to be nicer about it and, at the very least, not freak out every time a stranger happens to look my way.

So I've moved on; gone are the days when I would post about the travesties that are downtown experiences and here are the days where I write about the important things. The life related things. The 20-something posts, if you will.

Earlier this week I was looknig through Pinterest (go figure) when I came across this blog called GenTwenty. It's a blog that gives advice on how to be twenty, live through your twenties, etc. I started to read this one post titled 11 Quotes for you 20s and it got me thinking.

For years I've been waiting to get older. I've been waiting to graduate. Waiting to have money. Waiting to fall in love. Waiting to get married and buy a big beautiful house and have babies and wear "mom jeans" and get the cool "mom haircut"... and I've sort of forgotten that there's all of this life that's happening in the mean time that's just being wasted on me. I'm too consumed with school to do anything during the week. I'm too busy with homework and catching up with all the things I didn't have time to do during the week to do anything on the weekend. And all the while I'm too broke to do any of the "fun things" my 12-year-old self thought 22-year-olds were supposed to do because I'm too busy with school and homework.

I assume it's the same (or at the very least, I hope it's similar) for every other student so I thought instead of giving advice on how to be a 20-something, which I obviously know nothing about, I'll talk about what other people advise us 20-somethings do with our lives. It's nice to be reminded that life doesn't revolve around school and it's good for you to step away from the computer and just live. So that's what I'll be writing about from now on. I hope it inspires you to do something out of the ordinary like it did for me.

Here's an inspiring quote to leave you with for the week:

“It’s never too late to be who you might have been.” – George Eliot


Friday, 4 October 2013

A little bit of funny & something for my mommy


I'm going to take a break from my topic and do something fun. This week has not been all that fun, so I'm going to make a little of my own and call it a week, literally.

I assume everyone needs a laugh every once in a while so that's what this post is all about; laughs! As most of my friends know I'm a huge Pinterest addict and that's where I'm going to look for these laughs.

Ok, let's do this!





As you can see my thoughts are all over the place, but that's Friday for ya! My favourite is the first one... I know so many people who have Facebook accounts like that... and to be honest for some of them I would much rather see a picture of an evil cat than their face... Ooops! Did I say that out loud?!

Moving on.... This one's for my mom... I saw it and thought of her instantly becaue this is my life pretty much every day... lol! Love my mom!

I think we all can relate to that... I can now that I'm older and wiser, and I don't know what I would do without her (and my dad, of course) more than ever. They are the type of people that superheroes are based off of; no cape, no flying power, no superhuman strength, just a heart full of love, a head full of advice, and the patience and kindness to make sure that that their kids have everything they need to grow and learn. I am very fortunate to them, I hope they know that.

Anyway, before I get too mushy and heartfelt for the Internet, I'll call it a day.

I hope you all have wonderful, stress free weekends.