Tuesday, 29 October 2013

The Hallowe'en post

Well, it's that time of year again. The time where little girls dress up as princesses and witches; little boys dress as transformers and monsters; and aging women grab their most revealing garments and call it a Hallowe'en outfit to make themselves feel just a little bit more youthful. That's cool.

Also particular to this time of year is the weather. Oh glorious fall weather, I really do miss you through all the other seasons. There just isn't anything that quite compares to how fall feels. It's cold, sure and it's not all that pretty once all the leaves have fallen, but I just love fall.

Anyway, I'm not going to talk about fall, I'm talking about Hallowe'en.

I don't really do anything for Hallowe'en, but I love seeing all the kids in my neighbourhood dress up and go trick-o'-treating. It's just adorable. Until a tall, beard-man shows up at your door with a cape on and an open pillow case waiting for some free candy. Yeah, no. I don't give those people candies. If you're taller than me and have your own beard you can go get your own candy.

I stopped trick-o'-treating when I was 12, an acceptable age, I think, and I stopped going partying for Hallowe'en when I went to a bar and women my mom's age were dressed at "sexy" kitties and "sexy" rag-dolls and "sexy" She-rahs. Yeah no, that's just not cool. I wrote about this last year, but it's the same every year. Why do women do that?! Just why? It's not cool. It's not attractive. They just look sad.

But whatever - I'm in a sharing mood so I'm going to put up some Hallowe'en-themed pictures and continue on with my homework.

The last time I dressed up and did anything
for Hallowe'en - it's cute, right?!

Rusty and I handed out candy as a pirate and a masked-person

Where's Rusty?!

This year's outfits - prisoner, Hallowe'en festive "scarf"
and the candy corn hat my Gramma made 
Happy Hallowe'en folks - dress appropriately.

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