Friday, 18 October 2013

Miley Cyrus

20-something's topic of the day... Ms. Miley Cyrus.

I'm not saying I understand her, I'm just saying that I love her.

This post is long overdue, but I've finally come to a decision on how I feel about Miley Cyrus. I LOVE Miley Cyrus. I don't know exactly what's going through her big beautiful, but whatever it is, it's working.

My thoughts are this. The Miley Cyrus movement as she calls it, is an amazing way to keep the attention she's had for such a long time as she transitions into her adult image. She doesn't have an adult image right now, she has a young adult screaming for attention image, but that will soon fade and the world will start to see her as the brilliant adult superstar that she deserves to be.

Ok maybe I'm being a little overdramatic, I'm just so tired about all the Miley Cyrus drama. She's a young girl (sounds funny coming from me... someone who's only a couple years older than her) who's experimenting with all the things a young girl should experiment with. Hair styles, make up, clothes, boys, friends, blah blah blah. Why not?!

This morning I woke up and trimmed a section of my hair just cause it was bugging me.... Does that mean I'm going loopy? A couple days ago I gave Twerking my best shot... it's not something I'll ever do again, but does that make me crazy? I have SO many pictures with my tongue out. I LOVE TONGUE-OUT PICTURES! So sue me.

All I can say is Miley is a gem and though she's no longer the squeaky clean role model that mother's love for their pre-teen children, she's still an interesting (more so now than ever) and creative person who's not afraid to take risks and kick some serious musical butt.

Happy weekend!

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