Tuesday, 12 November 2013

Light, meet tunnel

The countdown is ON!

Nine more days of school, 11 more days total until I'll walk on out of here and... well, I'll probably just go home and go to bed, but I'll be doing with a big smile on my face because school will be done for the semester! Heck yeah!

Yeah, yeah there's the work placement and I'm really excited for that, but I won't have to go home and bust my butt to get some homework done for the next morning, go to bed at a God-awful hour, wake up, go to school, go to work, and then go home just to do it all over again. Cray-cray!

Life is just so much better when you can see the light at the end of the tunnel! Nine days, we can do this!



Tuesday, 5 November 2013


Now here's a topic every 20-something can relate to... CAFFEINE.


For me, the best part about a busy homework load is having the excuse to indulge in any and all caffeine-filled drinks.

It wasn't always like this... I held out on coffee of any sort for years. I never drank coffee when it was becoming "cool" with my 16-year-old friends, I drank decaffeinated Earl Grey and Orange Pekoe with my mom because, again, to me that was just about the best thing out there.

But in recent years I've had to literally throw myself away from the Tim Hortons/Starbucks counter to stop myself from buying a coffee. I'm finding more and more that I NEED one in the morning.

Take, for example, this morning. I was running late for school (but I wasn't late for class - phew) and I couldn't stop to get a Tim's before my 8 AM class. "No problem, I'll go on break," I told myself. So I did, but the line was about a mile long and I only had ten minutes so I returned to class empty handed. "That's alright you have a 3-hour spare in an hour, you can make it."

Physically, I did make it, but I felt an angry spell coming on and I knew it was because my brain wasn't fully there without its friend caffeine. My friend Taylor and I watched the Tim Hortons line continue to get longer until about 11:30 and that's when I finally got my coffee. Well - heaven on earth, I'll tell ya! - my headache went away and suddenly I was nice again. It's a miracle!

So anyway, back to my main point. In the past 2 weeks I have been treating myself to Starbucks because that's what I do when I'm too busy to have a real dinner and have to stay up until 2 AM finishing all the homework I should have done last weekend... I've had Starbucks four times in the last two weeks - $20 worth of coffee just from Starbucks in the last 2 weeks. It's so awful, but I don't care. It's amazing.

My new favourite coffee (I've given up my teenage/20/21 love of Grande Soy Tazo Chai Lattes) is a Grande Soy Gingerbread Latte - no whip. Seriously if you haven't had one I HIGHLY recommend you go to Starbucks right now and get one. I made my boyfriend drive me in from Stony Mountain on Sunday solely to get one - yeah it's that good!

As I said this is the high point of my educational life right now. Starting November 22 I will be cutting everything and cleansing, but until then Starbucks is my BFF.

Anyway folks, I have about 4 hours of homework ahead of me tonight so I'll leave you there. Make sure to try a Gingerbreak Latte soon!


**If you can't relate to my obvious love of caffeine (or maybe it's just a love of delicious drinks... hmmm....) then I would like to speak with you and learn all of your secrets.

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Tuesday, 29 October 2013

The Hallowe'en post

Well, it's that time of year again. The time where little girls dress up as princesses and witches; little boys dress as transformers and monsters; and aging women grab their most revealing garments and call it a Hallowe'en outfit to make themselves feel just a little bit more youthful. That's cool.

Also particular to this time of year is the weather. Oh glorious fall weather, I really do miss you through all the other seasons. There just isn't anything that quite compares to how fall feels. It's cold, sure and it's not all that pretty once all the leaves have fallen, but I just love fall.

Anyway, I'm not going to talk about fall, I'm talking about Hallowe'en.

I don't really do anything for Hallowe'en, but I love seeing all the kids in my neighbourhood dress up and go trick-o'-treating. It's just adorable. Until a tall, beard-man shows up at your door with a cape on and an open pillow case waiting for some free candy. Yeah, no. I don't give those people candies. If you're taller than me and have your own beard you can go get your own candy.

I stopped trick-o'-treating when I was 12, an acceptable age, I think, and I stopped going partying for Hallowe'en when I went to a bar and women my mom's age were dressed at "sexy" kitties and "sexy" rag-dolls and "sexy" She-rahs. Yeah no, that's just not cool. I wrote about this last year, but it's the same every year. Why do women do that?! Just why? It's not cool. It's not attractive. They just look sad.

But whatever - I'm in a sharing mood so I'm going to put up some Hallowe'en-themed pictures and continue on with my homework.

The last time I dressed up and did anything
for Hallowe'en - it's cute, right?!

Rusty and I handed out candy as a pirate and a masked-person

Where's Rusty?!

This year's outfits - prisoner, Hallowe'en festive "scarf"
and the candy corn hat my Gramma made 
Happy Hallowe'en folks - dress appropriately.

Tuesday, 22 October 2013


It looks like this blog is turning into a celebrity-themed blog... I promise you, it's not. The thing is, us 20-somethings are interested in what's happening in the world around us, and unfortunately information about celebrities and Hollywood is the most accessible and most frequently talked about.

So this week the topic de jour is also the first thing I heard about when I woke up this morning and the first thing I talked to anyone about in class and the first thing my sister texted me about when she was still half asleep - sheesh news travels fast! What is it? As if the title of this blog doesn't say it all.... Kim and Kanye are getting hitched!

I don't know why this is so surprising to me, they do have a baby together and live together and have been together for the last year and a bit... but still when I heard the news I was a little shocked. Maybe I didn't think she would get married again. Maybe I didn't think he ever would. I don't know what I thought, but I certainly didn't see this coming!

I hope that the third time is a charm for her, and that for the sake of her (their) baby they've thought everything through and will be happy together forever (real world forever, not Hollywood forever).

Here are some pictures just in case you've somehow forgotten what Kim looks like (is that even possible these days? No, it isn't).

Google images

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 Such a cutie! 

Anyway, I've done my part of keeping the world informed. 

Congrats Kim and Kanye - and little North West. 


Friday, 18 October 2013

Miley Cyrus

20-something's topic of the day... Ms. Miley Cyrus.

I'm not saying I understand her, I'm just saying that I love her.

This post is long overdue, but I've finally come to a decision on how I feel about Miley Cyrus. I LOVE Miley Cyrus. I don't know exactly what's going through her big beautiful, but whatever it is, it's working.

My thoughts are this. The Miley Cyrus movement as she calls it, is an amazing way to keep the attention she's had for such a long time as she transitions into her adult image. She doesn't have an adult image right now, she has a young adult screaming for attention image, but that will soon fade and the world will start to see her as the brilliant adult superstar that she deserves to be.

Ok maybe I'm being a little overdramatic, I'm just so tired about all the Miley Cyrus drama. She's a young girl (sounds funny coming from me... someone who's only a couple years older than her) who's experimenting with all the things a young girl should experiment with. Hair styles, make up, clothes, boys, friends, blah blah blah. Why not?!

This morning I woke up and trimmed a section of my hair just cause it was bugging me.... Does that mean I'm going loopy? A couple days ago I gave Twerking my best shot... it's not something I'll ever do again, but does that make me crazy? I have SO many pictures with my tongue out. I LOVE TONGUE-OUT PICTURES! So sue me.

All I can say is Miley is a gem and though she's no longer the squeaky clean role model that mother's love for their pre-teen children, she's still an interesting (more so now than ever) and creative person who's not afraid to take risks and kick some serious musical butt.

Happy weekend!

Wednesday, 9 October 2013


Ok, I've done it again. I'm going to change my blog theme. It's hard to look for unfortunate downtown stories when you're trying to be a more positive and well-rounded person. I'm still not a fan of the downtown scene, but I'm trying to be nicer about it and, at the very least, not freak out every time a stranger happens to look my way.

So I've moved on; gone are the days when I would post about the travesties that are downtown experiences and here are the days where I write about the important things. The life related things. The 20-something posts, if you will.

Earlier this week I was looknig through Pinterest (go figure) when I came across this blog called GenTwenty. It's a blog that gives advice on how to be twenty, live through your twenties, etc. I started to read this one post titled 11 Quotes for you 20s and it got me thinking.

For years I've been waiting to get older. I've been waiting to graduate. Waiting to have money. Waiting to fall in love. Waiting to get married and buy a big beautiful house and have babies and wear "mom jeans" and get the cool "mom haircut"... and I've sort of forgotten that there's all of this life that's happening in the mean time that's just being wasted on me. I'm too consumed with school to do anything during the week. I'm too busy with homework and catching up with all the things I didn't have time to do during the week to do anything on the weekend. And all the while I'm too broke to do any of the "fun things" my 12-year-old self thought 22-year-olds were supposed to do because I'm too busy with school and homework.

I assume it's the same (or at the very least, I hope it's similar) for every other student so I thought instead of giving advice on how to be a 20-something, which I obviously know nothing about, I'll talk about what other people advise us 20-somethings do with our lives. It's nice to be reminded that life doesn't revolve around school and it's good for you to step away from the computer and just live. So that's what I'll be writing about from now on. I hope it inspires you to do something out of the ordinary like it did for me.

Here's an inspiring quote to leave you with for the week:

“It’s never too late to be who you might have been.” – George Eliot


Friday, 4 October 2013

A little bit of funny & something for my mommy


I'm going to take a break from my topic and do something fun. This week has not been all that fun, so I'm going to make a little of my own and call it a week, literally.

I assume everyone needs a laugh every once in a while so that's what this post is all about; laughs! As most of my friends know I'm a huge Pinterest addict and that's where I'm going to look for these laughs.

Ok, let's do this!





As you can see my thoughts are all over the place, but that's Friday for ya! My favourite is the first one... I know so many people who have Facebook accounts like that... and to be honest for some of them I would much rather see a picture of an evil cat than their face... Ooops! Did I say that out loud?!

Moving on.... This one's for my mom... I saw it and thought of her instantly becaue this is my life pretty much every day... lol! Love my mom!

I think we all can relate to that... I can now that I'm older and wiser, and I don't know what I would do without her (and my dad, of course) more than ever. They are the type of people that superheroes are based off of; no cape, no flying power, no superhuman strength, just a heart full of love, a head full of advice, and the patience and kindness to make sure that that their kids have everything they need to grow and learn. I am very fortunate to them, I hope they know that.

Anyway, before I get too mushy and heartfelt for the Internet, I'll call it a day.

I hope you all have wonderful, stress free weekends.

Tuesday, 24 September 2013

Three grown men walk into a student parking lot....

On my way to school on Monday I drove into the war-zone of all construction sites. It was just crazy. It took me 15 minutes to get to the school once I was on Hargrave.... Just insane. Anyway, my point...

I was sitting at the blocked off intersection at 8:45 in the morning and out of the corner of my eye I see two dirty man walking toward all the stopped vehicles. They started at the front of the line and made their way to my car... what were they doing? Knocking on people's windows asking for money. WHY NOT, RIGHT?! I didn't roll down my window.

So, 15 minutes later when I parked my car and went to pay for parking (with change, I'm old-school like that) another grungy looking guy came up to me and asked, "Do you have any change?"

"Obviously I have change," I thought to myself. "I'm feeding the meter $7.00 in freaking quarters!!!"

"No," I said to him with a shake of my head.

Luckily he just walked away.

So, three grown men approached me in a span of 10-15 minutes first thing in the morning. Awful. Why would you ask someone who's so obviously a student (had my backpack on and everything) for money!? Why don't have money and guess what, if we did, it won't be for you!

Whatever anyway... this is four weeks in a row of being panhandled almost every day.

- insert frustrated face here -


Wednesday, 18 September 2013

Busy, busy bee

I don't have a story this week.

I've been living in my own mind for about six days now and frankly The Queen could cross my path and I probably wouldn't notice. I'm living off of about 4 hours of sleep a night (if I'm lucky), coffee and popcorn (except last night - I had steak. I'm hoping that gives me enough nutrients to make it to the weekend), and high hair buns (I mention this because hair makes me happy when I don't have to do it).

"Do you really have that much to do, Megan?" you might ask. The answer is probably not, but for whatever reason it feels like there's a mountain of horse poop teetering on a balance right in front of me and if I stay still for too long or forget one thing it's all going to fall on me and that would be it. I'll be covered in poop and I'll never feel clean again.

Anyway, life is good, I swear it's so awesome, but it's busy and I love but I hate it all at the same time.

Now that I think of it I do have a story. It happened late last week, but it's still current. I was walking from school to work and about to cross paths with the same homeless guy that I pass every single day. He sits there with his walker in the dirtiest clothes I've ever seen with his cap turned up for people to give him money - typical. So whatever I was just about to pass him when a guy in an SUV pulled up and offered the homeless man a cigarette. Well he jumped up so quick to grab that cigarette, mumbled a 'thank you' and was sitting down again fast enough that he still asked me for my money when I passed him literally two seconds later. The man in the SUV hadn't even driven away yet, that's how fast it was.

I probably got too mad about it and I probably gave him an angrier face than I meant to, but it just made me so mad. You can't even be grateful for two seconds before asking for something else. Greed, I question you.

That's really all I have to say tonight, I was not impressed at all.

Have a happy week everybody - it's almost officially fall.


Tuesday, 10 September 2013

Have you seen the hotdog man?...


Funny story about today... well maybe it's not funny, but the mood I'm in is making me think it's hilarious.

It's hot outside. We all feel it. It didn't seem like it was going to be this morning, so a lot of people, myself included, dressed for cooler weather. We dealt with it, right? Striped off layers, had a cold drink... all the things you're supposed to do when you're hot.

What are the two things you didn't do today? Did you jump into a downtown fountain fully-clothed? No? Me neither. Did you accost a hotdog vendor for a free drink because you're "f*cking hot, man"? No? Me neither.

Apparently this is typical behaviour downtown. I seemed to be the only giving a "what the..." look to the two men who were walking through the fountain, and I was certainly the only one (aside from the shocked vendor) who gave a disgusted look to the seemingly drunk man cursing to get a free drink.

I try to be understanding. I really do. I try to see the good in everyone and see things from both sides of the fence and all the other garbage second grade teachers teach us is necessary to be a good person. But I can't for the life of me understand some people. I know it's part of life to take the good with bad, the happy with the sad, blah blah blah, but this is unreal.

I don't get people who feel like they can do whatever they want and that the world owes them something. The world doesn't owe you anything unless it wants to owe the rest of us something as well. Period.

Maybe I'm being insensitive. Maybe I'm just jaded. I don't see how it became acceptable to ask people for freebies. I feel the same way about panhandlers and people like that; what are you doing that makes you think you deserve a handout? If you're going to be standing on the side of the road with your hand out every day, maybe put your time to good use and learn to play an instrument. Or a bucket turned upside down like a drum. Be creative. Do something that will make people think that you're actually working for their money. I would never in a million years think to ask a stranger for their money or anything that belongs to them. I feel bad enough going to my parents and asking them for money (not that I don't from time to time).

Anyway, again, maybe this is all insensitive of me. Maybe I missed the memo that said we’re all supposed to give people things. Maybe when I was working in retail I was supposed to let those girls hide clothes in their bags and just walk out of the store with them. Maybe when I was working in a restaurant I should have given people food for free just because they didn’t feel like paying. Maybe now that I’m working in an industry that bills people monthly, I should just let them know that they don’t have to pay this month or next or the one after that just ‘cause. Same mentality, right?

I guess all that I really have to say is people work hard for their money. I know this from experience. I don't go to school all day and work all night to walk outside and hand out the little bit of extra cash I have to someone who sits around all day. I have no problem giving to charity, or to buskers, or balloon artists for that matter, they just have to do something, that's really all I can say.

Thank you for reading my rant.



PS - on a side note, I'd like to tell a funny story that my grandpa told me. One day, years ago, he was walking out of the CBC building and a homeless man approached him and said, "Do you have any money?" He extended his hand, expecting my grandpa to give him some change, but instead my grandpa said, "Of course I do. Do I look poor?" He continued on his way (a little quicker than usual) and left the homeless man in shock. I wonder where I get my attitude from... :)

Friday, 6 September 2013

Good, bad, and decent

Hello there,

This week's post won't be nearly as interesting as last week's, mostly because this week has been crazy and I haven't really had a second to pay attention to life outside of school and my head. What I can say about this week is that too many people walk aide-by-side, four to a line on the sidewalk. Oh my Gosh, I thought I was going to rip the heads of a group of four girls who refused to make room for the people coming toward them on Princess Street, causing the oncoming people (me) to step into the busy traffic to continue along their way. Note to those girls - MOVE IT OR LOSE IT(!!!) figuratively, of course.

Another note on the wonderfulness of downtown, on the way to the car after school today, my firneds and I followed a disgusting trail of eaten chicken wings. They were just sitting there on the sidewalk waiting for some innocent puppy to come along, eat them, and choke. Not cool, low life who left them there. Be ashamed of yourself.

If you haven't yet noticed, I'm a little bit on edge today. It's Friday, I should be happy, and I will be in 30 minutes when I go home to watch Harry Potter for the rest of the night. Seriously, I cannot wait.

To lighten the mood a little bit here, I'll tell a nice story. Yesterday on my bus ride home from work I was lucky enough to get a seat that allowed me to close my eyes and drift in and out for the entire ride home. I was sitting beside a young guy who was listening to his music and staring out the window. Now, usually bus rides are long and conversational-less, but last night, just before this guy got off the bus, he looked at me and said, "I'm not trying to be creepy... you have a nice looking profile." Now, who doesn't love to hear a random compliment like that?! I responded in my usual awkward way - confused face and "Oh? Thank you."

Anyway, it was really nice to hear, and made me feel a little bit better about "bus people".

I hope you all have fabulous weekends and sleep a lot; if this week has been any indication of what the rest of the year is going to be, we're all goingto need as much sleep as we can. Whenever and wherever we can get it!


Thursday, 29 August 2013

Pick a theme, any theme

Well I'll pick a theme, alright! It's not like I've had a full summer to pick one or anything... Oh wait. Well once again procrastination got to me and between all the fun, exciting days summer I've let yet another thing slip through my fingers. No bother, I have a good theme. A theme everyone living in the city can relate to. A theme everyone talks about, complains about, they even throw up their arms in sheer frustration at the very thought of this theme. Yes, that's right; I'm talking about downtown and all the lovely awesomeness that comes along with it.

Ok, ok so maybe not everyone has as big of a problem with downtown as I do, but when you've been stalked off a bus, hip-checked into a building, asked for the little bit of change you've kept for a Tim Hortons coffee on a cold winter's day, and called just about every name from baby to... well you know, another ‘B’ word that's not so friendly, you too would hate walking the streets of downtown.

There are great things about downtown, don't get me wrong; The Forks is one of my favourite places in Winnipeg and the MTS Centre has always been a fun time, but if I can control it I try to avoid being downtown as much as I can.

So this is my new theme, I'm going to write about my downtown experiences. I’ll make sure to include both good and bad experiences because, really, there are some fabulous things that happen downtown. Like this spring when I was walking to work from school I stepped on some ice and fell flat on my stomach. Five people came out of nowhere, helped me up, and made sure I was alright. I was stunned to say the least and my perspective of downtown was, from that point on, changed.

I’ve always disliked being in downtown Winnipeg. Ever since I was eight and was cornered by a middle-aged drunk man who wanted my nonexistent money. I was sitting there, minding my own business when he approached me and asked for two dollars. My grandma just about punched him in the throat for getting that close to my face. Needless to say, from that point on my views were forever changed.

Yes, I’m overreacting and yes, it’s dumb to hold on to that forever, but everyone has places they don’t like and downtown is that place for me.

So hold on to your hats, folks because I’ve got some funny, scary, and silly stories for you!

Until next time,

Tuesday, 25 June 2013

Just a little travel advice

Ok, so I'll be honest here, pretty much everyone who knows me is looking at this title and thinking to themselves "Why the heck would she give advice on how to travel?!" And it's true. I pack too much, whether my bag is going to make it past the scales uncharged is always a guessing game, I stress out, make lists of everything I'm packing, and almost always forget something (and it's usually a toothbrush).

What they don’t realize though is that when I get wherever it is that I'm going I'm fully prepared for whatever sort of adventure is thrown my way. Impromptu dinner party? Yeah, I have a dress for that. Midnight run on the beach? Guess what! I have runners for that. Semi-formal, hipster-themed, high-heeled party? Yep, yep, yep. I have all the necessities for that as well.

So this weekend M, A, R, and I are going on a road trip to Thunder Bay for my beautiful cousin's 40th birthday. I haven't been out to Thunder Bay in years and I'm so excited to go. So, of course, I've been looking through my closet and writing out all the different outfit choices I'll need to bring on this 4 day, 3 night trip.

First day: Travel outfit / party wear for my cousin's party

Second day: Workout clothes / touristy outfit (I love being the tourist and I know we'll be going to the Amethyst mines this day, so it's perfect!) / dinner wear

Third day: Workout clothes (I can't rewear them... that's gross) / dress for marina viewing / dinner wear

Fourth day: Workout clothes / travel wear

So right there that's 10 outfits. 10 outfits for a 4 day trip. Yeah, yeah I know some of you are looking at this like I'm crazy, but think about it practically. It's a vacation - who doesn't like to dress up while on vacation?

Ok, so I promised some travel guide advise, and I'm getting to it, I swear!

The best advice I can give to anyone who's travelling is as follows:

1- Check the tires on your rolling suitcase before you leave for the trip (oh and I guess purchase a rolling suitcase, if you don't have one already). When we went to Florida this February one of my wheels broke and it was impossible to lug that suitcase around. My dad says it's probably because there was too much weight in the suitcase, but I ask you this: what would you have done if you went to Harry Potter world? You would've loaded up on Potter gear too, don't lie.

2- Only bring what's necessary. Does this contradict this whole post? No. Everything I've taken on all of my trips has been absolutely necessary. For example, some people told me that bringing 5 different types of sunscreen to Jamaica in 2012 was overkill, but guess what... I came back with the most even (and surprisingly NOT lobster-red) tan.

3- Don't forget your toothbrush. I bought myself a travel toothbrush that stays in my toiletry bag at all times because I always forgot to pack a toothbrush.

4- Carry-ons are great. Always pack the most important things in your carry-on, because you just never know. I put hand sanitizer, an extra pair of underwear, medication, vitamins, camera, phone, wallet, jewelry, and anything else I'm afraid to lose (BTW if you're afraid to lose something on a trip - just don't bring it, save yourself the stress) in my carry-on.

5- If you're roadtrip-ing, pack snacks. Road trips are such a great way to save money and have some adventures along that way. So do yourself a favour and pack snack for the road. Save yourself some more money and give yourself the opportunity to make stops for walks instead of just to get some food.

There are probably a million other things I would suggest to anyone going on a trip in the near future, but these are just a few that have stuck in my mind.

I'm so excited to go to Thunder Bay this weekend. I can't wait to see my family, relax, and have fun.

I hope you all have a great week :)

Monday, 10 June 2013

Curly hair dilemmas

If you have curly hair, you can relate to title of this post.

You know what it's like to get your hair wet in the middle of the day and be miserable for the rest of the day because your hair is ruined. You know how annoying it is to check on your hair until it dries and be disappointed with that one little strand that just couldn't cooperate and copy all the other strands. You know how awesome it feels when it's humid and you can feel your hair spontaneously growing as the day wears on.

Having curly is like being in a cult. Curly-haired people know what it's like to have untamable locks, and when we see another curly-haired person having a bad hair day, we can't help but feel a little twang of hurt for them (and relief that it's someone else this time around).

Where am I going with this?

Oh right. Products.

I was always worried about having a disasterous curly hair day until I found this product:

Marc Anthony Strictly Curls. It's amazing. I love it. My hair looks naturally tamed. It's not sticky or too hairspray-like like so many other curl enhancers that are out there today. It smells like lemons. And, and this is the best part, you only have to use a little for it to work.

I have very thick hair; like very thick. My hair stylist always tells me that my hair's so beautiful, but she feels bad for my head because it probably never gets enough oxygen. But this product seems to cover it all. Even with just a little dollop in my palm my whole head is curly and worry-free.

I just needed to tell people about this fab product. I really hope that it'll continue to work as the weather gets hotter and more humid... stay tuned!


Wednesday, 5 June 2013


I just wanted to write a little blog about my Rusty dog. There isn't much to say because everybody who knows me knows that I love him to death. He's my first little baby and I just can't believe how much I love him, but who wouldn't with a face like that?

This weekend M and I took Rusty for a walk through the Quarry and we saw some fox. It was so funny because they looked just like Rusty did when he was a little baby. Everybody always asks (jokingly, of course) if rusty is a fox because of the similiarities... so naturally we call him our little fox.

Well here are some other pictures of Rusty because who doesn't like to look at an adorable little face?!

Sleepy baby
He's a wild one!
Let me in!!!

Friday, 19 April 2013

Going, going, gone.

It's April 19th and as all my CreComm friends know, that means that we are a week away from being officially done with the first year of CreComm.

All that's left is a meeting with our IPP advisor and then we'll be on our way to make some serious (and seriously needed) money and living at the beach on the weekend - well I will be anyway.

This year was different than what I thought it would be, but it was also a lot better than I thought it would be. It's been a big year and a busy year, but I actually feel like I've actually accomplished something, which I didn't always feel after a year of university.

I met some great people and made some even better firneds. I'm planning a small raod trip with a couple girls from both my semester one and two class and I'm so stoked - we're going to have such a great time!

I'm not nearly as nervous to go into second year CreComm as I was earlier this year. I feel prepared and sometimes I even get excited when I think about it. Today I can't wait to start, but I think I can manage waiting for the next 4 months.

I'm so happy with the way this year turned out. I have great marks in all my classes (and on all of my exams, I hope), I'm one university course away from being a university graduate, I have an amazing family, fantastic boyfriend, great friends, and the cutest darn dog any girl could ever ask for. I feel so special and happy about everything and I think a lot of it has to do with the fact that I feel for the first time ever that I'm on the right track. I'm so excited to see what next year has to offer and am very excited to spend my summer worry-free.

Cheers to all the CreComms who made it through a nerve-wrecking, but wonderful first year.


Thursday, 11 April 2013

Easter eggs

Hi guys,

This is a bit of a late post, but I just had to show people what I did. 

Every year my parents put on Easter dinner at our house. It's always a good time, but it is a stressful day. Any sort of dinner party or party in general is always a stressful time. But Easter is a big one, and in a family of people who want everything to be perfect, it's just that much more stressful. 

Anyway, this year I wanted to contribute to the dinner for the first time in couple years and I found this idea on Pinterest. It's devilled Easter eggs! My mom and I made them the day before and they turn out so well (and were SO tasty)! 

Here's the picture I took (in order) in case you ever want to try them for yourself!

Mmmmmm! So good! 

Have a great week and weekend!

Thursday, 4 April 2013



I've always been a bit of a push over. Always.

I don't remember a time when I wasn't. In elementary I was bullied by girls so badly that to this day I have vivid memories of sitting at my little desk with my little head in my little hands and crying in front of everyone.

That was why I was bullied. I was a cryer.

I didn't cry over everything, but when someone was being mean I just couldn't control myself. I would get so upset and instantly cry.

I hate that about myself. I always have. I used to fight with my parents and I would be furious about something (probably being told to do something I didn't want to) and just wanted to show them how 'grown up' and 'mature' I was by standing my ground and not cry, but it never worked. I always cried (and I rarely won the fight).

These days I'm not really any different. I don't often fight with my parents, but when I do the second I get defensive or mad, I have to grind my teeth because the tears are coming.

I'm learning more and more now, as I grow up, that being overly sensitive and being a cryer is not something that will help me in this life. I don't want to be cynical and I definitely don't want to be a hard *ss, but I have to learn the healthy medium. It's hard. What is the healthy medium? How do you know?

I'm learning, very slowly.

Tuesday, 26 March 2013

The UGLY tan

Hi all,

I'm changing up the pace today and I'm going to write a little bit of a rant post.

So everyone who knows me knows that I hate overly tanned (orange) people. Not in the normal "Eww they're gross," kind of way, but in an "I have an overwhelming desire to throw a bag a cheetos at you and show how it's not normal to match their orange-ness" kind of way. 

Maybe it's overkill, of course everyone's allowed to look the way they please - even if that means being hideous - but I just can't get over it. 

If you know me well you also know that this profound hatred of the 'orangies' stems from experience with one specific orange person. It's unfortunate that along with ruining her own skin (and appearance - which was awful to begin with, but that's beside the point), she ruined what could have been an appreciation for people who dare to be different and take on the strange responsibility of being the orange person in a group... nah. I'd still hate it.

Anyway, I'm just feeling a little mean today and felt like getting it out on 'paper'. I don't understand the compulsion to be over-tanned and I definitely don't understand the purpose behind being orange. I mean seriously, learn from your mistakes, it will never look nice. But at the same time, enjoy your premature wrinkles while this pale girl enjoys her unsun-spotted skin and her sunscreen buying obsession.

Here are some memes...

Melissa Davies' Pinterest

Rachel Elizabeth's Pinterest

Happy Easter friends

Friday, 22 March 2013

Disney! Disney! Disney!

Hi guys,

How's everybody's week so far? Good, I hope. It's spring-y out there, I feel all uplifted!

Well, it was bound to happen - I'm surprised that I haven't written about it sooner - this is the Disney blog.

I went to Disney World with my family over Reading Week, and it was amazing. Just amazing. I love Disney World - everyone who knows me knows that - and this trip was the best one yet. We've been there as a family three times so far and honestly I could back every year for the rest of my life and I think it would just keep getting better.

I think the reason it's so amazing, aside from the amazing rides, the great food, and the nicer-than-anything-staff, is the fact that I get to spend so much concentrated time with my family.

The first time we went to Disney we went for two weeks. Well we were in Disney for eights days, Universal for two, Sea World for one, and then capped the vacation off with a 4 days cruise. It was amazing, and we made so many fantastic memories.

The next time we just went for a week, but it was also amazing. We ate so much and walked so much and laughed so much, it was just all around fantastic.

This time we went for a week again and spent a day in Universal Studios. We had to see Harry Potter and OMG I'm so glad we did. I love Harry Potter land!

But anyway, I loved the time with my family. We all get along well, but we travel together amazingly. No fights, no nothing like that. It was great. And because everyone's so busy with their day-to-day while we're home it was nice to just relax and catch up on this vacation.

I really just wanted to write this so that I could show you some pictures... so here you go!

Have a great weekend!

Monday, 11 March 2013


Hello all!

Happy Monday.

I was writing a blog entry for a class I'm taking in university and realized same type of thing applies to this blog as well.
I had a thought today. It was a bit of a surprise because I wasn't paying attention, but then it hit me. I was standing in the elevator  and two ladies were talking beside me. They were looking at a poster for an upcoming soup lunch. They were asking each other what the sign said and what the details of the event were even though the poster supposedly explaining it all was right in front of them. This is where I tuned in.

I saw the poster last week, but never gave it any thought. It looked alright to me, but then again I wasn't interested in coming to a lunch this week. It's a nice colour of dark red with black font and a couple pictures on it. the font doesn't really stand out and that's what the ladies were upset about. They couldn't read it, and they weren't going to put in the effort to try.

This is the first time in my short CreComm life that I realized that fonts, colours, and advertising in genenral really does make a difference. I knew that advertising was important before, heck most of what I own is because of advertisements that I've seen, but this was the first time that I really stopped to think about it. My first thought was "oh those poor advertising people," but then I thought "no, they should've known better than to use that font and colour with that colour background." It's such a poster faux-pas!

Anyway, I thought that I would leave you with a couple examples of good posters I found online that I think (and know)  would work on me.
Ads of the World

Ads of the World

Have a nice day everyone!